Day :
- Recent Emerging Diseases
Sexually Transmitted Infectious Diseases
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Diagnostic Tools
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
![Reza Nassiri Speaker](
Reza Nassiri
Michigan State University
![Qingzhong Kong Speaker](
Qingzhong Kong
Case Western Reserve University
Session Introduction
Qingzhong Kong
Case Western Reserve University
Title: Zoonotic risk of chronic wasting disease prions in cervids: From animal models to human studies
![Qingzhong Kong Speaker](
Qingzhong Kong has completed his PhD at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and postdoctoral studies at Yale University. He is currently an Associate Professor of Pathology, Neurology and Regenerative Medicine, Associate Director, National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. He has published over 50 original research papers in reputable journals (including Science Translational Medicine, Journal of Clinical Investigations, PNAS, Cell Reports, and Plant Cells) and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member on multiple scientific journals.
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is the prion disease found in several cervid species (mule deer, white-tailed deer, American elk, moose, and reindeer). CWD prions are among the most infectious and highly transmissible between cervids. It has reached epidemic levels in many regions of USA and parts of Canada. Recent detection of CWD in wild moose and reindeer in Norway confirmed its spread to the European continent. The continued spread of CWD and popular hunting and consumption of cervid meat and other products raise serious public health concerns. The discovery of novel CWD strains further complicates the issue since prion strains are known to influence prion transmission barrier between species. However, human susceptibility to CWD prions is still unclear, especially on the difference in zoonotic potential among various CWD prion strains. We have been working to address the CWD zoonosis question for well over a decade. We used CWD samples from multiple cervid species collected at various geographic locations to inoculate transgenic mice expressing human or elk prion protein (PrP). We found infectious prions in the spleen or brain in a small fraction of CWD-inoculated transgenic mice expressing human prion protein, which is consistent with a recent report of CWD transmission in macaques (a nonhuman primate model) and indicates that humans are not completely resistant to CWD prions. This finding has significant ramifications on the public health impact of CWD prions. The influence of key cervid prion protein polymorphisms, the prion strain dependence of CWD-to-human transmission barrier, and the characterization of experimental human CWD prions will be discussed. Preliminary examination of human prion cases with a history of cervid hunting and/or consumption will be presented.
Ana Fernandez Bravo,
University Rovira i Virgili
Title: Aeromonas a negelected emerging old microbe that keeps on producing life threatening infections
![Ana Fernandez Bravo, Speaker](
Maria José Figueras is a PhD from University of Barcelona in 1986. Since 1979, she is a Lecturer at the Medical School of the University Rovira i Virgili, Reus, Spain and Professor of Microbiology since 2001. She has been working in the microbiological contamination of water since 1990. She is the advisor on the management of the risk derived from contaminated bathing water to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), and the European Commission. She is involved in the European research projects aqua-chip, healthy-water, epibathe and aquavalens. Director of 8 PhDs on the taxonomy and epidemiology of the emerging pathogens Aeromonas and Arcobacter and author of 170 papers.
At least 10 of the species included in the genus Aeromonas can be considered emerging pathogens to humans because they are able to produce a broad spectrum of infections. Since the earlier association of aeromonads with human disease, gastroenteritis, bacteremia and wound infections have remained the dominating presentations. The role of Aeromonas as etiological agent of diarrhea has been questioned for several years. However, recenty using dose response models of microbial infection we estimated that the median Aeromonas dose required for producing diarrhoeal cases (1%) ranged from 1.24 x 104 cfu to 0.9 cfu for low and highly susceptible individuals, repectively. Cases of mixed infections have been investigated and reveal important interactions among the recovered strains that impact the development of the infection. New findings evidenced that Aeromonas activate a strong immune response in a human monocytic cell line (THP-1) producing cell damage. Aeromonas are associated to other infections that can affect the respiratory tract, the bone and/or joints, the urinary tract and also necrotizing fasciitis mainly in patients with cirrhosis or hepatobiliary disease. We can predict that Aeromonas infections will remain a health problem in the near future considering the increase on the life span that will result in more elderly persons with potential undelaying diseases. Recognition of the Aeromonas infections at the clinical setting have and will improve with the used of the MALDI-TOF identification system, avoiding classical errors like the overestimation of Aeromonas hydrophila. However, there is a strong need for improving the database.
- Vector Borne Infections
Microbial Genomics
Host and Microbial Genetics
Diagnostic Tools for Immunological and Virological Monitoring of HIV Infection
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
![Shih-Yen Chen Speaker](
Shih-Yen Chen
Taipei Medical University, Shuang Ho Hospital
![Dibyendu Banerjee Speaker](
Dibyendu Banerjee
Calcutta National Medical College
Session Introduction
Sheikh Ajaz Rasool,
Jinnah University for Women
Title: Evolution of super-drug resistant microbial strains: Mechanisms and strategies for containment
![Sheikh Ajaz Rasool, Speaker](
Sheikh Ajaz Rasool, Professor, Chairman, Dean Faculty of Science (August 2006 – February 2007) and has been a senior most Professor of Karachi University in the department of Microbiology, University of Karachi. He pursued his M.Sc. in Microbiology, PhD in Bacterial-Molecular Genetics from Moscow State University and Post-doc. from England. He has been awarded with many awards like British Council Postdoc. Award 1990, Best Karachi University Scientist Award 1996, Best University Teacher HEC-Award 2004 and Presidential Award of Academic Excellence 2007. He has supervised more than 50 research thesis, published more than 120 research papers and holds a membership of more than 20 Scientific/Academic bodies.
Lisa Becherer,
University of Freiburg
Title: Simultaneous detection of HIV and HTLV by mediator displacement loop-mediated isothermal amplification
![Lisa Becherer, Speaker](
Lisa Becherer studied chemistry (BSc and MSc) and is currently working on her PhD in Microsystems Engineering at the University of Freiburg at the Laboratory for MEMS Applications, IMTEK. Her research involve nucleic acid analysis with focus on isothermal amplification and digital amplification on centrifugal microfluidic cartridges.
Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT) are not only a powerful tool for early diagnosis of HIV infections, NAAT are also a reliable method for HIV viral load measurements during the monitoring of antiretroviral therapy. Additionally, NAAT allow simultaneous (multiplex) detection of different targets enabling the detection of HIV/HTLV co infections. Loopmediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) [1, 2] emerges as a convenient alternative to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for rapid amplification of target DNA and RNA. As an isothermal NAAT, LAMP does not require expensive equipment for thermo cycling and is therefore especially suitable for point-of-care testing [3]. However, available multiplex detection techniques for LAMP suffer from elaborate assay design as well as time-consuming optimization work. Here we present the first multiplex reverse transcription (RT) LAMP for identification of HIV/HTLV co-infections [4]. The quantitative real-time assay is based on universal mediator and reporter molecules [5] generating a fluorescence signal in the presence of target sequences. During amplification of target DNA the mediator is displaced (step 1, Figure 1). The released mediator hybridizes to the reporter generating a fluorescence signal (step 2, Figure 1) which can be detected.
Sharwani Vijayshree Lal
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital
Title: A rare case of zidovudine induced lactic acidosis with pancreatitis and myopathy
![Sharwani Vijayshree Lal Speaker](
Sharwani Vijayshree Lal is currently working as a Medical Officer at a Central Government Hospital in the capital of India. She has developed sharp acumen and insight in effective clinical judgement. Her passion for meticulous and comprehensive management of a case has matured during her rewarding exposure to healthcare in hospitals and educational institutions over the years. This study, capturing profile of opportunistic infections in patients with HIV, effectively demonstrates the significance of sound assessment and diligent handling of a case.
Statement of the Problem: 40 years old male with fever and constitutional symptoms for ≥2 months who concealed his diagnosis of HIV/AIDS and developed zidovudine induced lactic acidosis with pancreatitis and myopathy. Methodology: Patient presented with c/o weakness, body ache, weight loss (8 kg), pain abdomen since ≥2 months, and intractable vomiting and breathlessness since last 1 week. He was prescribed antibiotics, PPIs, prokinetics earlier by previous doctors but to no relief. Findings: General physical examination was unremarkable expect for toxic looks, dehydration and extensive oral thrush. HIV testing was advised but he refused to consent. On repeated counseling and questioning his wife accepted the patient being a case of HIV/AIDS on ART (zidovudine, lamivudine and nevirapine) for past one year. This fact was willingly concealed by patient to all previous doctors. CECT head and abdomen, and routine laboratory reports were normal except serum amylase which was 350U/L (Normal: 30-125 U/L), serum lipase was 210 U/L (Normal: 10-150 U/L) serum lactate was 7 mmol/L (Normal: 0.5-1.0 mmol/L), CPK was 320 U/L (Normal: 25-200 U/L), CD4 cell counts were 224/µL. ABG was suggestive of high anion gap metabolic acidosis. A provisional diagnosis of AIDS with zidovudine induced lactic acidosis with pancreatitis and myopathy was made. ART was immediately stopped and appropriate treatment was started. He was discharged after 10 days in satisfactory condition on tenofovir, lamivudine and efavirenz. Conclusion & Significance: This case explains the importance of detailed history taking (including concomitant medicine exposure) and vigilant physical examination (oral candidiasis in our case) especially in India to reach a diagnosis where HIV/ AIDS is a social stigma and its status is not willingly disclosed by the patient. Other fact being that zidovudine can also cause lactic acidosis and pancreatitis (which is more commonly associated with stavudine) and that too with no bone marrow toxicity (more often a hallmark of zidovudine).
Shih-Yen Chen
Taipei Medical University
Shuang Ho Hospital
Title: Clinical characteristics and viral shedding of children with norovirus gastroenteritis
![Shih-Yen Chen Speaker](
Shih Yen Chen is currently a Chief of Department of Pediatrics, Taipei Medical University, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taiwan. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Taipei Medical College, and Doctor of Philosophy degree from Chang Gung University College of Medicine.
Background: Norovirus (NoV) is an emerging enteric pathogen worldwide. NoV plays an increasingly important role in enteric infections. The rapid transmission of NoV via person-to-person contact makes infection control difficult. A quantitative method is even more important in the management of NoV infection in immunocompromised hosts, including transplant and cancer patients. Materials & Methods: Fecal specimens were collected from previously healthy children with NoV gastroenteritis confirmed by RT-PCR. The transcript of VP2 gene was reverse transcribed into cDNA and dissolved in DNase-free distilled water. The cDNA quantity was equivalent, approximately, to 4.12×1012 copy numbers according to EndMemo number calculation. The standard curve using 10-fold serial dilution of the cDNA was obtained (10-1-10-10). The equivalent copy numbers in 53 fecal samples from NoV-infected patients were counted. The clinical presentations of the patients were retrospectively collected and analyzed by GraphPad Prism 6.0 (GraphPad Software, Inc.). The NoV was also genotyped using methods as described earlier. Fisher exact test was used to determine differences between clinical features. Statistical significance was analyzed using a nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test for two independent samples. Results: A total of 53 fecal samples from NoV-infected hospitalized children age range, 8 months to 5 years were collected for analysis of viral load with the time for sample collection varied from day 1 to day 19 after the onset of the illness. We identified a longer shedding period in 21 febrile patients (6.75±3.14 days after disease onset) than in 32 afebrile ones (5.7±3.4 days after disease onset) (p=0.03); however, there is no significant difference between the 37 older patients (≥1 years old, 6.5±3.9 days after illness onset) and the 16 younger ones (<1 years old, 5.8±2.6 days after illness onset) in terms of viral shedding. Furthermore, we found a significantly longer shedding period in patients infected by NoV GII.4 Sydney strain (30 cases; 6.9±3.1 days after illness onset) than those infected by non-GII.4 Sydney strains (23 cases; 5.7±3.7 days after disease onset) (p<0.01). Discussion: In this study, we used the SYBR green-based real-time RT-PCR to measure NoV viral load in the feces of patients with NoV infection. SYBR green real-time RT-PCR showed a higher sensitivity in viral load calculation as the detection limit of the technique was at 50 RNA copies/ml in a previous study. With this method, we found febrile NoV GII.4 Sydney strain-infected children have a longer viral shedding. In the previous study indicate that Norovirus infection induced immune response in the patients, and inflammation may drive viral replication, leading to a longer shedding period following the onset of the illness. Conclusion: In conclusion, we devised a sensitive method for quantification of NoV viral load in patients and successful established the model of NoV viral shedding. This method is useful for devising efficient infection control measures for NoV infection, investigating outbreaks, and monitoring viral transmission and evolution.
Dibyendu Banerjee
Calcutta National Medical College India
Title: Acinetobacter to target organ: Is biofilm the missing link?
![Dibyendu Banerjee Speaker](
Dibyendu Banerjee completed his MBBS from J S S Medical College and Hospital, Mysore and MD in Medical Microbiology from Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata in 2006. He was trained from SGPGI, Lucknow. He is presently an Associate Professor in Department of Medical Microbiology, CNMC with many PGTs doing thesis work under him. He acted as external examiners in different parts of the country. He has 15 research papers published in indexed medical journals, including one review article on anthrax and is Reviewer of three indexed journals including Indian Journal of Public Health (indexed in MEDLINE).
Acinetobacter baumannii is now a formidable emerging pathogen. It is being increasingly isolated in clinical settings and from a wide range of infections. It is known that A. baumannii shows presence of dormant cells, a characteristic feature rarely found in other gram negative bacteria. This explains its environmental persistence as well as its ability to survive for a long time on abiotic surfaces under desiccated conditions. This ability to colonise and to grow as a biofilm has an important role in its persistence and spread in hospital environment. But whether the level or strength of biofilm formation varies with infection of different organs is not yet known. If an association can be found out between strength of biofilm formation and its variation according to different sites of infection, it can give a clue that pathogenesis of biofilm formation may have an intimate link with organotropism of different isolates. Multiple isolates of A. baumannii were taken from different clinical materials. Biofilm forming reference strains of A. baumannii (ATCC19606) and non biofilm forming reference strains of E. coli (ATCC25922) were used as positive and negative controls respectively. The strength of biofilm forming capacity (high/ medium/none) of each isolate was measured by microtitre plate method with primary filter of ELISA plate reader set at 570 nm. It was found that strength of biofilm formation varied for different sources of infection. The present study was a hospital based observational cross sectional study.
Usman Lodhi
Provincial Tuberculosis Control Program
Title: Treatment outcomes and their association with type of resistance among drug resistant tuberculosis patients during 2014-2015 in Punjab, Pakistan: A retrospective cohort analysis
![Usman Lodhi Speaker](
Usman Lodhi is a Provincial MDR-TB Coordinator/Focal Person for DRTB/PTP-Punjab, Pakistan. Currently he is involved in two more research studies related to DRTB in Punjab. He also supported implementation of National Guidelines for PMDT in Punjab along with technical assistance regarding regimen selection especially on new drugs and short term regimen for MDR-TB. Before joining PTP, he also worked with Association for Social Development as a Regional Coordinator and MDR Physician. Since 2013 he is working in public health intervention program related to Drug Resistant TB.
Tuberculosis still the deadliest infectious disease among all communicable infections and drug resistant tuberculosis patients (DRTB) remains an evil for low income countries like Pakistan. Irrational use of second line drugs including fluoroquinolones and second line injections along with lack of proper awareness to both level community and treatment provider, less number of diagnostic and treatment centers, poor adherence to treatment, primary default, infection prevention and lack of technical resources in Punjab may lead to rise in incidence of DRTB. To find out treatment outcomes and their associations with type of resistance among DRTB patients in Punjab, retrospective cohort analysis was done. Of the total bacteriologically confirmed DRTB registered patients at various programmatic management of drug resistant tuberculosis (PMDT) sites across Punjab, n=2046 patient’s records were analyzed. Bivariate analysis shows a significant positive association (relative risk [RR] 1.7 & p-value ≤ 0.001) between type of resistance and treatment outcome in DRTB patients. Overall treatment success rate for DRTB in Punjab was 61.14% and favorable outcomes including cured and treatment completed were 59.4% and 1.7% respectively. While the unfavorable treatment outcomes including died, LTFU, not evaluated, treatment failure were 22.3%, 9.7%, 3.5%, and 2.7% respectively. Scale up DRTB surveillance activities, contact screening, integration of DRTB with other public health programs, active case finding among populations will have a positive impact on drug resistance tuberculosis case notification and control over spread of diseases.
Kristina M. Miller
Fisheries and Oceans
Title: Unravelling the common etiology of related, but pathologically divergent diseases
Kristina Miller holds a PhD from Stanford University (1992) and is currently the Head of Genetics and Genomics at Fisheries and Oceans Canada. She is also an adjunct professor at UBC. Dr. Miller is on the editorial board for Immunogenetics, Facets and Coastal Marine Fisheries Journal. She has over 120 primary publications in the fields of genetics, genomics, immunogenetics, and diseases.
Piscine orthoreovirus Strain PRV-1 is the causative agent of heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Given its high prevalence in net pen salmon, debate has arisen on whether PRV poses a risk to migratory salmon, especially in British Columbia (BC) where commercially important wild Pacific salmon are in decline. Various strains of PRV have been associated with diseases in Pacific salmon, including erythrocytic inclusion body syndrome (EIBS), HSMI-like disease, jaundice syndrome, and jaundice/anemia in Japan, Norway, Chile and Canada. Herein, we examine the developmental pathway of HSMI and jaundice/anemia associated with PRV-1 in farmed Atlantic and Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) salmon in BC, respectively. A molecular viral disease development (VDD) biomarker panel differentiated fish that were merely viral carriers from those in an active viral disease state, and In situ hybridization (ISH) localized PRV-1 within developing lesions in both diseases. The two diseases showed dissimilar pathological pathways, as indicated by the preponderance of inflammatory lesions in heart and skeletal muscle in Atlantic salmon, and the development of degenerative-necrotic lesions in kidney and liver in Chinook salmon. However, our data indicate that a species-related difference in PRV load tolerance in red blood cells can explain these differences. Moreover, complete viral genome sequencing revealed no consistent differences in the sequence of PRV-1 variants intimately involved in the development of both diseases, suggesting that migratory Chinook salmon may be at more than a minimal risk of disease from exposure to the high levels of PRV occurring on salmon farms.
Paulo Antonio Rodrigues Gouveia
Mutamba MGU
Title: Therapeutic use of Guazulma ulmifolia lam extract of Northern Brazil
Paulo Antonio Rodrigues Gouveia is currently working as a Project Director Mutamba MGU against HIV, Brazil. He is graduated from the Science Center: ITPAC - Institute Tocantinense. President Antonio Carlos (ITPAC), from Araguaina in 2007, as Doctorate in medicine. He worked at Regional Hospital of Araguaína from 2007 to 2011. From 2011 to the present, he is an active member of ITPAC Medical University Institute. His research mainly focuses on HealthCare, Biological/Pharmacology Sciences.
This study aims to analyze the therapeutic use of Guazulma ulmifolia lam extract as an AIDS treatment, describing the management of treatment performed in a clinical report. This work was a literature review. The case reported was a 35-year-old Mozambican, diagnosed with HIV virus in 2008. In March of 2017, she started using Guazulma ulmifolia lam extract for 30 days, and has since received successive negative HIV test results. It was concluded that the efficacy of Guazulma ulmifolia has been increasingly proven for the treatment of AIDS, with the advantages being a natural remedy, without any side effects, and there is no ethical-moral impediment to be applied in infected population.
Nebiyu Lera Alaro
Texila American University Guyana
Title: Challenges faced by healthcare providers in providing services to key population at risks of HIV in Ethiopia
Time : 17:30-18:20
Nebiyu Ler Alaro is a graduate of Texila America University Guyana PHD Public Health 2018 July. He took up Education as a career after majoring in Nursing. He completed Master’s education 2015 and starting PHD Public Health 2016. I am currently living and working South Sudan Doctors with Africa CUAMM as Health Project Manager.
As one of the main goals of the partnership framework (PF) between the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) and the US Government (USG), Ethiopia has set a national target of reducing new HIV infections by 50% by the end of 2014 (National Target). Funded by the USG, The PF provides a five-year joint strategic plan (2010-2014) for cooperation to support Ethiopia’s national HIV/AIDS response (PEPFAR, 2010). Ethiopia has an estimated adult prevalence of 1.5% and about a million people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) (ECSA & IFC, 2012), among countries most affected by the epidemic. The International Labor Organization (ILO) projection for 2015 indicates that as much as 8.5% of the Ethiopian labor force loss will be due to HIV/AIDS deaths (World Learning, 2012). On the other hand, Since the PF took effect, USG funding to the program has been in constant decline. Moreover, the PF does not fully take into account context and development barriers due to the prevailing social, political, economic and development policies in the country. Participation of the private sector, independent civil societies and media in the development process has been severely curtailed. Contextual factors have been seriously challenging the prevention of mother-to-child transmissions (PMTCT) efforts. Furthermore, the country lacks a comprehensive strategy to fully address the issue of most-at-risk population (MARP) as drivers of the HIV epidemic; and the HIV/AIDS response excludes men who have sex with men (MSM), A “Significant Unacknowledged” but fast growing transmission route of HIV (Tadele, 2008). Drawing from literature review and practicum experience in Ethiopia, this paper examines the feasibility of Ethiopia’s national target. The main problem in the HIV/AIDS discourse in Ethiopia appears to be behavioral change, but not lack of knowledge. In addition, contrary to the widespread public belief that homosexuality is not Ethiopian; there exists a flourishing underground male-sex trade in Addis Ababa.
- Modern and Unique Diagnostics
Veterinary Infectious Diseases
Advancements in Vaccines and Therapeutics
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
![Thierry Troussier Speaker](
Thierry Troussier
Head of UNESCO Chair Sexual Health & Human Rights Paris Diderot University
![Hiroshi Ohrui Speaker](
Hiroshi Ohrui
Yokohama University of Pharmacy
Session Introduction
Hiroshi Ohrui
Yokohama University of Pharmacy
Title: EFdA: A very excellent anti-HIV modified nucleosides - from design to the current results of clinical trials
![Hiroshi Ohrui Speaker](
Hiroshi Ohrui received PhD Degree (1971) from The University of Tokyo. He joined Riken (1966), moved to Tohoku University (1981) and to Yokohama University of Pharmacy (2006). He worked for Dr. J. J. Fox at Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research (1972-1973) and Dr. J. G. Moffatt at Syntex Research (1973-1974). He received several awards including The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry Award (2004), and Japan Academy Prize (2010). His research interests cover organic synthesis, chemical biology and chiral discrimination.
4’-C-Ethynyl-2-fluoro-2’-deoxyadenosine (EFdA) is attracting much attention due to its extremely excellent anti-HIV activity and physiological properties. EFdA prevents the emergence of resistant HIV mutants, is over 400 times more active than AZT and several orders of magnitude more active than the other clinical reverse-transcriptase inhibitor y 2’, 3’-dideoxynucleoside drugs, very low toxic, very long acting, and very useful for prophylaxis. EFdA is now under clinical trialsby Merck & Co. as MK-8591. In the beginning, a general idea for the development of anti-viral modified nucleosides is presented, and next, the development of EFdA is discussed and then the current results of the clinical trials reported by Merck will be presented. For the design of the modified nucleoside which could solve the critical problems that the clinical drugs have (emergence of drug-resistant HIV mutants, adverse effect by drugs, necessity to take consirerble amount of drugs), four working hypotheses were proposed . They are (1) the way to prevent the emergence of drug-resistant HIV mutants, (2) the way to decrease the toxicity of modified nucleosides, (3) the way to provide the modified nucleoside with stability to both enzymatic and acidic glycolysis for long acting, and (4) it is possible to develop selectively active to HIV and very low toxic to human based on the difference of the substrate selectivity between HIV and human nucleic acid polymerses (cf; the general idea). 4’-C-substituted-2’-deoxy nucleoside (4’SdN) was designed based on the hypotheses (1 and 3), and the additional modification of 4’SdN was performed based on the hypothesis (2). The details of the all hypotheses will be discussed. To prevent the deamination of adenine by adenosine deaminase, a fluorine atom was introduced at the 2-position of adenine. Finally, EFdA, modified at the two position (2 and 4’) of the physiologic 2’-deoxyadenosine and has extremely excellent anti-HIV activity, was successfully developed.
Eunwoo Yoo
Sheikh Khalifa Specialty Hospital
Title: The effectiveness of a covert observational study in improving the hand hygiene compliance
![Eunwoo Yoo Speaker](
Eunwoo Yoo is an Infection Preventionist with extensive clinical experiences more than 12 years in the teaching hospital. She holds BS degree in Nursing from Yonsei University in South Korea and licensed registered nurse of 3 countries (South Korea, USA, and UAE) with the passion of nursing. Currently, she is working on Infection Prevention and Control Team for the government hospital in UAE runs by Seoul National University Hospital. As one of a key member of JCI accreditation in 2017, she has established comprehensive risk assessment and hospital-wide strategy through gap analysis. Her professional interests focus on healthcareassociated infection and achieve safe and clean environment by basic practices with high quality such as hand hygiene which is essential of infection prevention.
Background: Covert observation (CO) is a useful method as an effective and direct observation of hand hygiene (HH) compliance monitoring to overcome the Hawthorne effect. However, it is not clear whether the CO is effective in improving HH compliance. Accordingly, we conducted a study to determine the impact of covert observation on HH compliance. Method: We designed a prospective interventional study. Trained mystery shoppers monitored the entry and exit HH compliances in 3 different phases; the first CO (f-CO) in March and May 2017, CO combined with just-in-time coach (JITC) in July and October 2017, and second CO phases without JITC (s-CO) in March 2018. Overt observations (OO) were done simultaneously with above three phases by the infection control link personnel. We used Hand Hygiene Targeted Solutions Tool® for data collection. Results: Total of 10857 opportunities for HH were observed (3473 for f-CO, 2800 for JITC, and 1807 for s-OC) including 2777 opportunities for OO. The HH compliance rate of OO was 91.0% (2577/2777). HH compliance rate of f-CO was 34.3% (1192/3473). The rate was increased to 62.7% (1756/2800) by JITC (p=.00). HH compliance rate of s-CO was decreased to 57.5% (1039/1807) again but was still higher than the rate of f-CO (p=.00). HH rates on the exit opportunities were higher than the entry in all observations (89.7% (1257/1401) versus 92.3% (1270/1376) (p=.02), 31.5% versus 37.6%, 57.0% versus 69.0%, and 51.9% versus 62.9% for OO, f-CO, JITC, and s-CO respectively). Conclusions: CO method was useful for minimizing Hawthorne effect. However, CO was not effective for improving the HH compliance rate without the real-time feedback (JITC). Repeated JITC along with monitoring is needed to improve and maintain the good HH compliance.
Naser Shahabinejad
Kerman University of Medical Sciences
Title: Dengue fever serology in febrile patient in Southeast Iran
![Naser Shahabinejad Speaker](
Naser Shahabinejad has expertise in diagnosis of emerging infectious diseases in southeast Iran. This approach is responsive to all searches to find emerging infectious disease cases in Iran.
Dengue fever is the most rapidly spreading mosquito-borne viral disease in the world. There is little information on dengue fever epidemiology in Iran. High prevalence of dengue fever in Pakistan bordering South Eastern of Iran emphasizes the need for paying more attention to monitoring of the disease in this region. The aim of this study was to study the dengue fever seropositivity among adult febrile patients in South East Iran. Dengue fever virus specific IgG antibodies were measured by a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in sera from 184 patients. All of sera were negative. The existence of dengue fever in eastern borders of Iran and tracking the virus vectors in the South East of Iran can be a treat for the circulation of the virus in Iran; however, we did not find any track of the seropositivity in this study.
Francis Oronsaye
Science University of Benin
Title: Treatment of an emerging disease using a new lotion (Oronsfranklo)
![Francis Oronsaye Speaker](
Francis Oronsaye is a Medical laboratory Scientist by profession with a major in medical microbiology and M.Sc. degree in pharmaceutical microbiology and PhD in Medical Microbiology from the University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. He has been lecturing in the University for the past thirty-six years. He has attended more than twenty international conferences where his research works were presented both in oral and poster presentations. The areas of his research encompasses both medical microbiology, clinical chemistry, immunology, parasitology, environmental health, virology and molecular genetics amounting to wellovernforty publications in Local, national and international peer reviewed journals. He is the international President of Africa Environment Pollution Prevention Eappo and Ngo with members across Africa and partners in Europe and USA.
Background: The emergence of new diseases of unknown aetiology is a common health challenge in developing countries. These diseases have defiled all known medications. They affect upper region of the body, particularly the face, neck and the jaw. Methods; One hundred subjects compressing 20 children,50 adults and 20 elderly subjects who were discovered having bumps ‘as it is called’ on the face, scalp and neck were randomly recruited into the study Their consent was obtained verbally. And we assured strict confidentiality: The subjects were given the lotion Orondfranklo (R) which was applied to the affected areas using sterile cotton wool swabs twice daily, preferably morning and evening. The lotion is currently being investigated for its toxicity in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. The lotion is exclusively for external use. This lotion has been successfully tried for treating both superficial fungal and bacterial infections in Benin, Nigeria. Subject and Methods: One hundred subjects comprising 30 children, 50 adults and 20 elderly persons encountered during a free rural health campaign in three rural areas of Edo state, Nigeria who were suffering from various kinds of superficial skin infections of unknown ethology were randomly recruited into the study. Their consent was obtained verbally and was assured strict confidentiality, before the commencement of the study. Subjects had different types of skin rashes, swollen and irritation, the face neck region, the groin, upper and lower limbs were the sites mostly affected. In some cases the skin looks cancerous. All the sites were treated with the lost rile cotton wool buds. Results: Satisfactory clinical response was achieved, after two weeks of treatment. (Plates 1 and 2) show one of the cases of the subjects. The most dramatic effect of the lotion is the fact that during its application, successful clinical response nature has not been put in place or may not be necessary Conclusion: This study represents the treatment of various skin lesions suffered by rural subjects in Edo state Nigeria.
Juan Pablo Loureiro
National University of La Plata
Title: Tuberculosis in marine mammals: Is it an emerging disease?
![Juan Pablo Loureiro Speaker](
Juan Pablo Loureiro obtained his title Doctor in Veterinary Medicine. He studied in La Plata National University, Argentina and obtained his specialist title in Reproduction at Cordoba National University, Argentina. His Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies were focused in biology, medicine and reproduction of marine mammals. He is part of the teaching staff at the La Plata National University. His main areas of teaching are animal anatomy and biology, medicine and conservation of marine fauna. He is also a Technical Director at the Rescue and Rehabilitation Center of Mundo Marino Foundation. This Center allows him to have direct contact with marine fauna and also to work in the diagnosis of tuberculosis among other emerging diseases. The monitoring of these diseases is one of the factors that allow controlling environmental health and taking the necessary precautions in each case.
The rehabilitation center of Mundo Marino´s Foundation attended 2008 marine mammals, founded on the northern coast of Buenos Aires province (36° 22'S/56° 44' W to 37° 15'S/56° 58 W) from 1987 to date. Among the most frequently attended marine mammals there were: 1315/2008 (65, 49%) South American sea lions (Arctocephalus australis); 113/2008 (6, 59%) sub-Antarctic sea lions (Arctocephalus tropicalis) and 159/2008 (9, 27%) South American fur seals (Otaria flavescens). In 1983, the necropsy of an A. australis showed macroscopic lesions compatible with tuberculosis and this finding was the starting of a research project on this disease. On February 27, 1989, an adult female A. australis, weighing 40 kg, was rescued with signs of dyspnea, weakness, permanent ventral recumbency and poor physical condition. Despite medical care the animal died. Necropsy showed lung and lymphatic lesions compatible with tuberculosis. Bacteriological cultures and molecular biology of samples were collected and we could identify a new member of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex: named Mycobacterium pinnipedii. The 2.17% of pinnipeds admitted into the rehabilitation center were diagnosed with tuberculosis. Isolates of mycobacteria strains from sea lions have shown to have in vitro sensitivity to the tuberculostatic drugs isoniazid, streptomycin, rifampin, ethambutol and paraminosalicylic acid. As the diagnosis of the diseases of the animals admitted to the rehabilitation center was being perfected, undescribed diseases were found. This situation makes it difficult to determine if they are emerging diseases or they already existed in nature.
Ferdoshe Akter
Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
Title: Surgical correction of ventral abdominal hernia in pigeon- 3
![Ferdoshe Akter Speaker](
Ferdoshe Akter has expertise in evaluation and passion in improving the health and treatment of animals. Her open and contextual evaluation based on responsive constructivists creates new pathways for improving treatment technique. She has built this surgery expertise after years of experience in research, teaching hospital and administration both in hospital and education institutions.
Gossips of typical umbilical hernia are habitually described in ruminants but poetries are not available in ventral abdominal hernia in birds specially, in pigeon. Abdominal hernias have been characterized as a separation in the aponeurosis of the abdominal musculature on the ventral midline. The purpose of this case report is to give an overview about the diagnosis and surgical approach of ventral abdominal hernia in pigeons. Three male king breed pigeons of different ages (5 months – 10 months) and weights (250 g – 600 g) were presented to Upazila livestock office & veterinary hospital, Chakaria, Cox's Bazar from January 2016 to March 2018 with the common history of gradual swelling in the ventral abdominal region. Clinical and radiographic examination confirmed the ventral abdominal hernia and decided for surgical correction. With standard aseptic procedure and 1% lidocaine anaesthesia, coeliotomy was performed in all cases. Postoperatively antibiotic, cefixime was administered for 5 days at the dose rate of 30 mg/kg body weight and monitored until wound healing. The follow up study for one month revealed no complications. The result of this case study recommends that this approach can be used as a curative method for ventral abdominal hernia repair in pigeon.
Mohammad Effat
National Research Centre
Title: Severe recurrent Vulvovaginal candidiasis caused by mixed Candida species
![Mohammad Effat Speaker](
Mohammad Effat is a Professor of Microbiology and Immunology in The National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt. He was elected as a Chairperson of the department for the last three years. He has granted American pre-doctoral scholarship in 1990 working in Levine Laboratory, Cornell University on Basic Immunology techniques. He has got Doctoral Scholarship in Utrecht University by which he has finished his doctoral laboratory work on cloning and expression of PLD gene from Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. In 1999, he was awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship for working on Candida among AIDs patients in CDC, Atlanta, GA. In 2003, he got Postdoctoral Fellowship in Free Berlin University for working on molecular interaction of enteric pathogens with intestinal mucosa. In 2009, he was chosen as a Visiting Professor of Microbiology and Immunology in Zimbabwe University.
It is not infrequent for every woman during her different stages of life to catch a vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) and has to visit a gynecologist suffering from pelvic pain accompanied by itching, creamy white vaginal discharges, burning sensation, dyspareunia (if married) and redness and swelling of external genitalia. A 37 years old married woman used to intake a lot of antibacterial agents for her refractory periodontitis, has been frequently suffering from the above mentioned symptoms for three years. She received many types of commercially available antifungal agents without any improvement. She delivered two higher vaginal swabs for performing culture and sensitivity. Direct microscopic examination of the wet sample revealed yeast and filamentous forms of Candida. Gram staining showed violet round to oval colonies with budding. Direct cultivation on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) revealed very small pale white colonies. CHROMagar plates streaked with the grown colonies from SDA showed two different colored colonies (green; G and rose; R). Germ tube test for G and R colonies was separately done and germ tube formation appeared only with G colonies. Rice extract agar test performed for G and R colonies separately revealed chlamydospores (terminal) formation only with G colonies. API 20 C AUX used for G and R colonies separately, showed Candida albicans (99.3%) and Candida krusei (85.8%) respectively. Upon carrying out in vitro antifungal susceptibility test, Candida krusei colonies were sensitive to nystatin and fluconazole however, Candida albicans colonies were sensitive to nystatin but resistant to fluconazole. This case of mixed infection of VVC was very difficult to be treated with the commercially available fluconazole alone and there is no available systemic nystatin.
Saroj Yadav
Chittagong Veterinary and Animals Science University
Title: Molecular study of Cryptosporidium spp. from rat and mice
![Saroj Yadav Speaker](
Saroj Yadav has expertise in evaluation and passion in improving new research. His open and contextual evaluation model creates new pathways for improving veterinary sector. He has built this model after years of experience in research, evaluation, teaching both in hospital and education institutions. He always tries to form new technique for better veterinary services.
Present study contracts with is a zoonotic intestinal protozoan parasite with public health importance. Research was aimed to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium in rats/mice and to assess the potential role of rodents as a source for human and animal cryptosporidiosis. A total of 49 faecal samples from field rats, tree rats, house mice and wetland rats were collected from Chittagong, Bangladesh during the period from February to July, 2017. Initial identification of Cryptosporidium spp., was carried out on stool samples by Ziehl-Neelsen (Z-N) acid fast staining method and found prevalence of 4.08%. DNA was extracted from Z-N positive and few other suspected samples using commercially available stool DNA isolation kit. Nested PCR was done to amplify 581 bp of 18S rRNA gene with the use of 1% agarose gel electrophoresis for PCR amplified products. Cryptosporidium spp., was confirmed in three samples by PCR with prevalence of 6.12%. The results of this research give an idea that rodents may act as reservoirs for zoonotic intestinal protozoan parasites and should be considered important to public health.
Anthony Wovisike Umetor
University of South Africa
South Africa
Title: The church and Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) as twin pathways to delayed HIV testing of pregnant women in rural Nigeria
![Anthony Wovisike Umetor Speaker](
Anthony Wovisike Umetor is a PhD Fellow, part-time parliamentary monitor and a passionate community HIV and AIDS activist. He was a former Executive Director of Community HIV/AIDS Initiative South Africa (CHARISA). He holds Master’s and MPhil degrees in Sociology and HIV & AIDS Management respectively from University of South Africa.
Nigeria has the second highest estimated number of maternal deaths after India and is responsible for 30% of the global burden of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (MTCT). According to UNAIDS, MTCT is the main route of paediatric HIV infection. It accounts for over 90% of all paediatrics (children less than 15 years) infection and ranks amongst the highest number of new HIV infections in children in the world. A growing body of knowledge has mostly focused on the role of African church groups in hampering support to people living with HIV and AIDS and its contribution to HIV/AIDS-related stigma. This study is situated within the phenomenological research model which is centered on the lived experiences of those interviewed and employed a qualitative analysis that utilized semi-structured interviews conducted with healthcare staff and caregivers of HIV positive children (0-5 years) in Bori Zonal Hospital in Rivers State, Nigeria. The methodological finding reveals that Churches have the best well organized and recognized community networks in Nigerian communities and consequently potentially exercise a great influence over them. Their constant moralistic attitudes, reinforcement of conservative gender ideologies and wholesome integration of health and faith into the ministry is influencing their flock’s late uptake of HIV and AIDS-related services. Traditional birth attendant (TBA) is also exacerbating the delayed HIV testing of pregnant women in the rural communities in Nigeria. With no formal training (but generally respected because they are elderly community women), TBAs play a vital part in maternal and child health by bridging the gap and support the delivery of babies in communities far removed from health facilities. By relying on child deliveries for sustenance, they see formal medical facilities as competitors.
Sarfraz Khan
Quaid-i-Azam University
Title: Living with, living apart: Stigmatization of HIV/AIDS patients in Pakistan
![Sarfraz Khan Speaker](
Sarfraz Khan is currently working as assistant professor in Quaid - I Azam University, Paksitan. He has been publishing on various issues related to health, education, migration, religion and culture in Pakistan. He has a vast experience of teaching, research and supervision at university level. He has supervised more than ten theses on the issues related to HIV/AIDs in Pakistan and currently working on a research project related to this issue in Pakistan. His PhD thesis addressed the issues related to the role of international migration through the inflow of foreign remittances in the helping families back home in Pakistan in accessing health and educational facilities.
The main objective of the current research was to understand the level of stigmatization faced by HIV/AIDs positive patients in the twin cities (Islamabad and Rawalpindi) in Pakistan. The panacea of a smooth and comfortable society lies upon awareness and understanding of certain phenomenon; which forces others to discriminate people on the basis of stereotypes. In order to shape this strategy a primary area of focus is to provide the awareness regarding the death-defying diseases; like HIV/AIDS. The importance of providing information about this precarious disease is to eradicate the stigmatization done with HIV positive patients. It is very necessary to minimize this stigmatization as it hinders the process of treatment and proper care. The present study focused to understand the levels of stigmatization, its various dimensions and impacts on the HIV positive patients’ lives who were presently admitted in Islamabad and Rawalpindi hospitals in Pakistan. The current research was mainly conducted by using anthropological research methods such as: key informating, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Purposive sampling technique was used for the selection of the respondents. The patients currently diagnosed with HIV/AIDs were selected from the two hospitals (Rehabilitation Center and Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences) in the twin cities. The results show that the majority of the HIV positive patients were stigmatized by their family members as well as the relatives and others which directly influence their health. The research could be helpful in devising policies regarding the inclusion of HIV/AIDS patients to the mainstream of the society as it indicated that in most of the cases these were the close family members and colleagues who stigmatized the patients.
![Yetnayet Abebe Speaker](
Yetnayet Abebe has completed her Master’s degree in Public Health degree specialized in Reproductive Health from Jimma University, Ethiopia, East Africa in 2016. Her work experience on HIV/AIDS prevention and care projects and her social work study in combination with her clinical nursing background provides her an insight on the need to assess extra factors explaining why HIV positive women are poor in quality of life even though they are good in ART adherence.
Statement of the Problem: Studies across various countries indicate that health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) is affected by socio-economic variables, biological and psychological factors. Poor adherence to anti-retroviral therapy (ART) is also another factor for compromised HRQoL among PLWHA. The studies also indicate women with HIV/AIDS are of poorer QoL life than their men counterparts though they are generally more adherent to ART and the same disease stages. This study examined the health related quality of life and its associated factors among HIV positive women receiving anti-retroviral therapy in Jimma Town health facilities. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. Consecutive sampling technique was employed to select HIV positive women who were on anti-retroviral therapy. Quality of life was measured using WHOQOL-BRIEF tool. Descriptive statistics, bivariate and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed. Associations between the quality of life and independents variables were reported. P-values <0.05 with 95% CI were set to determine statistical significance. Findings: The mean (±standard deviation) age of the respondents was 34.07(±8.76) years and 80.5% of them were urban dwellers. The proportion of women reporting good health related quality of life was found to be 46.5%. Specific to each domain, the mean (±standard deviation) of level of independence domain was the highest (14.08±3.07) followed by physical (13.46±2.95), social relationships (13.27±3.91), psychological (12.97±2.47), environmental (12.94±3.25)) and spiritual (12.39±2.84). Good social support (AOR: 4.99; 95% CI [2.88, 8.34]), higher wealth status (AOR: 1.85; 95%CI [1.02, 3.39]) and being on anti-retroviral therapy for shorter duration (AOR: 1.85; 95% CI [1.14, 3.03]) were independently associated with better overall health-related quality of life among the participants. Conclusions: The study demonstrated higher proportion of HIV positive women on ART had poor health related quality of life which was affected by wealth index, social support and duration on ART.
Zinat Mohebbi
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Title: Surgical site infections of clean-contaminated wounds of operated patients in surgical ward, Iran
Zinat Mohebbi completed her PhD in Nursing from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) in Iran. She is the Faculty Member of SUMS and has the history of teaching for over 20 years. She published more than 50 papers in several journals and has been seving as an Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery.
Objective & Aim: Surgical site infections (SSIs) are the most com¬mon health care associated infections in surgical patients and are serious surgical complications happening in approximately 2% of surgical pro¬cedures, although rates differ widely according to the type of procedure. Present study has been done to determine the incidence rate of infection in a clean contaminated wounds and its relationship with some risk factors. Methodology: Cross sectional study, in a convenience sample of 300 patients who underwent surgery classified as clean contaminated in a hospital of Iran. Samples were taken directly from the wound at the first dressing change to all the patients. They were studied to determine bacteria growth. Results: The rate of infection after a clean contaminated surgery was 53%. The most common gram positive microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus (22%), and among gram negative: Escherichia coli (26%), Klebsiella spp. (26%) and Pseudomonas spp. (25%). Significant correlation between the type of surgery and surgical site infection was found, it was not seen with the variables sex and surgical procedure. Conclusion: This study shows important problems regarding patient’s safety. Protocols should be reviewed to control infections.