Call for Abstract

11th World Congress on Control and Prevention of HIV/AIDS, STDs & STIs, will be organized around the theme “Enhance Competency in HIV Prevention and Care”

STD-HIV AIDS-2023 is comprised of 16 tracks and 2 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in STD-HIV AIDS-2023.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Health system or health care systems is the organization of people, institutions, and resources that deliver health care services to meet the health needs of target populations. There are a lot of health care systems with many histories and organizational structures of the nations which are designed based on their needs and resources constrained to that nation. Besides there is a concerted effort among governments, trade unions, charities, religious organizations, or other coordinated bodies to deliver planned health care services targeted to the populations they serve. Health services is a multidisciplinary scientific field that examines the how people get access to the health care practitioners, health care services, costs, and what happens to the patients as a result of this care.

  • Track 1-1Finance and funding
  • Track 1-2Global health initiatives
  • Track 1-3Access to medicines and treatment
  • Track 1-4Generic medicines
  • Track 1-5Retention and linkage to care
  • Track 1-6Achieving the 90-90-90 target
  • Track 1-7Pharmaceutical industry
  • Track 1-8Conference announcements and declarations
  • Track 1-9Delivery of care
  • Track 1-10Government, leadership and policy

Epidemiology is the study of analysis and distribution of determinants of health and diseased conditions in a defined population. Major areas of the epidemiological study include disease causation, transmission, outbreak investigation, disease surveillance, forensic epidemiology, occupational epidemiology, screening, biomonitoring, and comparisons of treatment effects such as in clinical trials. They rely on other scientific disciplines such as biology for the better understanding of the disease processes, statistics to make efficient use of the data and draw appropriate conclusions, social sciences for the better understanding proximate and distal causes, and engineering for exposure assessment.


  • Track 2-1Global prevalence of HIV
  • Track 2-2Predominant risk factors
  • Track 2-3Heterosexual spread in population
  • Track 2-4AIDS deaths
  • Track 2-5Global burden of disease study
  • Track 2-6Historical data

Transmission mainly through Various bodily fluids, such as vaginal secretions, semen, saliva, and blood, contain the bacteria or viruses involved. In some cases, a person can contract an STI by coming into direct contact with fluid that contains the bacteria or virus. To avoid contact with this fluid during oral, anal, or vaginal sex, use condoms or dental dams.

Using a condom correctly every time you have sex can help you avoid STDs. Condoms lessen the risk of infection for all STDs. You still can get certain STDs, like herpes or HPV, from contact with your partner's skin even when using a condom.

  • Track 3-1Sexual transmission
  • Track 3-2HIV treatment for children and young people
  • Track 3-3Medical procedures and other blood-borne exposure
  • Track 3-4Reproductive health
  • Track 3-5Structural factors
  • Track 3-6Behavior change interventions
  • Track 3-7HIV prevention policy
  • Track 3-8Tattoos and Body Piercings
  • Track 3-9Condoms and lubricant
  • Track 3-10HIV from sharing needles, syringes, or other drug injection equipment
  • Track 3-11Can HIV Affect How Well a Vaccine Works?
  • Track 3-12HIV be transmitted from a mother to her baby?
  • Track 3-13Public policy
  • Track 3-14History of HIV and AIDS
  • Track 3-15Drug interactions
  • Track 3-16Gonorrhea
  • Track 3-17HIV treatment for children and young people
  • Track 3-18Low and theoretical transmission risks
  • Track 3-19Biology of HIV transmission
  • Track 3-20Is there a vaccine against HIV?

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are very common among people who are sexually active. Anyone who has sex is at risk, including people with HIV, STIs are also commonly referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).


  • Track 4-1Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
  • Track 4-2Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
  • Track 4-3STDs & Infertility
  • Track 4-4Gonorrhea
  • Track 4-5Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Track 4-6Hepatitis B
  • Track 4-7Pubic lice
  • Track 4-8Molluscum contagiosum
  • Track 4-9Drug interactions
  • Track 4-10History of HIV and AIDS

Public health professionals try to prevent problems from happening or recurring through implementing educational programs, recommending policies, administering services, and conducting research—in contrast to clinical professionals like doctors and nurses, who focus primarily on treating individuals after they become sick or injured. Public health also works to limit health disparities. A large part of public health is promoting health care equity, quality, and accessibility.

  • Track 5-1Environmental health
  • Track 5-2Community health
  • Track 5-3Behavioral health
  • Track 5-4Health education
  • Track 5-5International Health
  • Track 5-6Health economics
  • Track 5-7Public policy
  • Track 5-8Gender issues
  • Track 5-9Health indicators
  • Track 5-10Public health nurses
  • Track 5-11Medical microbiologists
  • Track 5-12Bioterrorism and disaster medicine

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that is responsible for causing acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The virus destroys or impairs cells of the immune system and progressively destroys the body's ability to fight infections and certain cancers. In adults and adolescents, HIV is most commonly spread by sexual contact with an infected partner. In most of the countries nearly all HIV infections in children under the age of 13 are from vertical transmission, which means the virus is passed to the child when they are in their mother's womb or as they pass through the birth canal, or through breastfeeding. Before 1985, a small group of children were infected with the virus by contaminated blood products. Routine screening of blood products began in 1985. Not every child born to an HIV-infected mother will acquire the virus conception.

  • Track 6-1Conception
  • Track 6-2Diagnosing children
  • Track 6-3HIV treatment for children and young people
  • Track 6-4Child developmental issues
  • Track 6-5Infant feeding
  • Track 6-6Needles
  • Track 6-7Blood contamination

Infection with HIV causes an acute but brief and nonspecific influenza-like retroviral syndrome that can include fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis, arthritis, or skin rash. Most persons experience at least one symptom; however, some might be asymptomatic or have no recognition of illness (406–409). Acute infection transitions to a multiyear, chronic illness that progressively depletes CD4+ T lymphocytes crucial for maintenance of effective immune function. Ultimately, persons with untreated HIV infection experience symptomatic, life-threatening immunodeficiency (i.e., AIDS).

  • Track 7-1Screening Methods
  • Track 7-2Diagnostic considerations
  • Track 7-3Acute HIV infection
  • Track 7-4Treatment
  • Track 7-5Antiretroviral therapy
  • Track 7-6Western blot tests
  • Track 7-7Other HIV management considerations

STD’s clinical research help scientists find improved ways to prevent, detect, or treat HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. All the medications used to treat HIV/AIDS in the United States were first studied in clinical trials. HIV/AIDS clinical studies under way include studies of new medicines to inhibit or treat HIV, studies of vaccines to prevent or treat HIV, studies of medicines to treat infections correlated to HIV. Case report is the detailed information of the individual patient containing the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, and treatment and follows up of the patient. It is a demographic profile that usually describes an unusual or novel occurrence.

  • Track 8-1Drug interactions
  • Track 8-2Toxic effects
  • Track 8-3Drug interactions
  • Track 8-4Drug development
  • Track 8-5Preclinical studies
  • Track 8-6Biochemical tests
  • Track 8-7Haematological tests
  • Track 8-8Multispecies pharmacokinetics
  • Track 8-9Toxicokinetics
  • Track 8-10Evalution and analysis of data
  • Track 8-11Clinical trails

It’s common for people with HIV to have other health issue, some of these issues may be directly related to HIV or its treatment. Others may be completely unrelated. These health conditions can mean more doctors’ visits, lab tests, and medications to keep up with.

If you have HIV, the best thing you can do to stay healthy is to take HIV medicine (called antiretroviral therapy or ART) exactly as prescribed and get and keep an undetectable viral load  a level of HIV in your blood so low that a standard lab test can’t detect it.

  • Track 9-1Neurological and cognitive problems
  • Track 9-2Mental and emotional health problems
  • Track 9-3Opportunistic infections
  • Track 9-4Cardiovascular disease
  • Track 9-5Neurological and cognitive problems
  • Track 9-6Lipodystrophy
  • Track 9-7Lung disease
  • Track 9-8Tuberculosis
  • Track 9-9Ageing and HIV
  • Track 9-10Chemsex and recreational drug use
  • Track 9-11Cancer

Sexual health is fundamental to the overall health and well-being of individuals, couples and families, and to the social and economic development of communities and countries. Sexual health, when viewed affirmatively, requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence.

  • Track 10-1Sexually transmitted infections
  • Track 10-2Sexually transmitted infections treatment
  • Track 10-3Reproductive medicine
  • Track 10-4Testing blood for the presence of antibodies
  • Track 10-5Sexual orientation
  • Track 10-6Gender Identity
  • Track 10-7Gender Expression
  • Track 10-8Sexual and Reproductive Health Care
  • Track 10-9Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy
  • Track 10-10Maternal health
  • Track 10-11Safer sex
  • Track 10-12Contraception

Women are disproportionately affected by HIV compared to men, with young women most at risk. In many countries, women experience inequality linked to cultural and social norms and many experience gender-based violence. These factors make women more likely to get HIV.

  • Track 11-1Pregnancy and HIV
  • Track 11-2Combatting stigma
  • Track 11-3History of HIV and AIDS
  • Track 11-4HIV and criminal law
  • Track 11-5Drug policy and policing
  • Track 11-6End-of-life issues
  • Track 11-7Discrimination and the law
  • Track 11-8Gynecological health issues
  • Track 11-9Cervical Cancer and HIV
  • Track 11-10Women’s Aging and HIV
  • Track 11-11Pregnancy and HIV
  • Track 11-12Birth Control and HIV

Recent developments to prevent the spread of HIV include pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), which is the pre-emptive use of antiretroviral therapy by individuals substantially at risk of contracting the virus. However, researchers are still seeking to develop improved therapies and vaccines to combat the virus.

  • Track 12-1Developing new therapies
  • Track 12-2Gene therapy
  • Track 12-3Recent and upcoming advances
  • Track 12-4Anti-retro viral drugs

Vaccines play an important role in keeping people healthy. They protect you against serious and sometimes deadly diseases.

Vaccines are especially important for people with chronic health conditions like HIV, which can make it harder to fight off vaccine-preventable diseases like pneumococcal disease or the flu. HIV can also make it more likely that you’ll have serious complications from those diseases, which is why getting recommended vaccines is an important part of your overall HIV medical care. HIV invasion of immune cells.

  • Track 13-1HIV invasion of immune cells
  • Track 13-2HIV virology
  • Track 13-3HIV binding and entry
  • Track 13-4Prep science
  • Track 13-5Immune cells
  • Track 13-6Immune response to HIV
  • Track 13-7Global prevalence of HIV
  • Track 13-8Vaccine preparation
  • Track 13-9What are vaccines?
  • Track 13-10Which vaccines are recommended for people with HIV?
  • Track 13-11Are all types of vaccines safe for people living with HIV?
  • Track 13-12Do vaccines cause side effects?

We are still learning about COVID-19 including the Omicron variant—and how it affects people with HIV. This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and scientists are learning more every day.Global prevalence of HIV.

  • Track 14-1Predominant risk factors
  • Track 14-2Heterosexual spread in population
  • Track 14-3COVID-19 and HIV: Federal resources
  • Track 14-4COVID-19 vaccines and people with HIV
  • Track 14-5Historical data

HIV/AIDS testing, monitoring and therapy have come a long way from the days when a diagnosis was a death sentence. Crucial parts of the effective treatment regimens developed in the last 40 years are consistent monitoring of the viral load (the amount of virus in the blood), and the immune cell count, which function as biological markers of the disease’s progression.CD4 count.

  • Track 15-1CD4 count
  • Track 15-2HPV
  • Track 15-3HSV 1 & 2 testing
  • Track 15-4Haematological tests
  • Track 15-5Other tests
  • Track 15-6Testing policies and guidelines
  • Track 15-7Self-testing and home testing

Alcohol and drug use can be harmful to your health and  get out of hand for some people. Modest use of alcohol can help your heart health in some circumstances, but it can also lead to long-term effects that are harmful and reduce your ability to fight off HIV. Different drugs have different effects on the body, and they can affect your judgement, mental health, and physical health differently. The use of illegal drugs presents multiple risks to the health of people living with HIV including harmful effects on the body and the risks associated with injection drug use, and risks associated with sexual transmission of HIV.

  • Track 16-1How can alcohol, drug use, and HIV affect your health?
  • Track 16-2How can you find treatment or support programs?